Tuesday, July 6, 2010

(more) fairy tale srories

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday {or weekend, for all you international readers} i got plenty of quality time with my hubby and lots of rain! but it cleared up just long enough for the fireworks show. pretty cool.
so now its tuesday {and feels like monday} but it is definitely shaping up to be a laid-back week with lots of trips to the pool.
and in the spirit of this slow energy and laid-back kinda day, i thought i'd share some more wonderful illustrations. {from this series} art deco style.
 "to the ears he hung earrings, and strings of pearls upon the breast"
"she gathered three golden apples, and, unseen by any one else, gave them to Hippomenes"

{not exactly art deco, but i like it just the same}
"when she woke, she beheld near by a beautiful grove, with a path wich led up to the doorway of a beautiful palace"


  1. these are so neat! i especially love the second ones, such lovely colors. enjoy your time at the pool this week!

  2. Pretty! They seem so fairytale like.

  3. Something about the first drawing reminds me of the story of Pygmalion. They're all just beautiful.

  4. so pretty! i love the last one. and i am so jealous of you going to the pool all the time!

  5. ooh, perfect post for me so i can try and retain that vacation feeling!! reminds me of the art deco in south beach where we were!
