Monday, March 14, 2011

lists 7-13

my most recent lists for the 30 days of lists project!
{click on the image to enlarge}

 #7: blog goals

#8: what's in my bag
 {it's really just an extra-extra-large wallet. the left swatch is a leftover piece of fabric}

 #9: my wishlist {to do with my love}

#10: favorite websites
 #11: date night ideas
{i've mentioned it before, but the biggest downside to living in manhattan is the restaurants. they kinda suck. so my dream dates mostly center around eating good food together. like indian food. we miss it so much i listed it twice!}

#12: weekly rituals

 #13: diy's i want to try


  1. I so want to participate in this project! I love making lists and so badly want to play with paper and scissors and glue and tape...Maybe it'll be my spring break project.

  2. i love grooveshark, indian food, & your blog!! :) i also hope you get to try all those diy projects AND make tutorials so we can follow along with you. this is such a fun series!

  3. Oh me oh my, these are so lovely!
