Friday, October 22, 2010

highest highs & lowest lows

this week has been....something else. to say it's been a roller coaster ride just doesn't quite cover it. it's like the week that never ends.
it started with my mom's {major} surgery on tuesday morning, which went well. yay! 
but then she had complications, and was back in the hospital for 20 hours. my dad sounded a step away from distraught, and with no family nearby him to be supportive and a mom in a "precarious" situation, my siblings and i were all freaking out. a lot.  

but then she went home and things have been all clear ever since. 

wednesday husband had his final all-day interview with teach for america. 

but the interview was in lawrence {a couple hours away} and the night before our car broke down. disaster.  

but then a dear friend came through with a car to borrow. she's amazing.  

{and oh yeah, he nailed the interview}
double high!

so now it's the end of a long long week and everything has ended on a good note, but i'm still reeling from, well, everything. 
i'm looking forward to a calm weekend. 
a weekend of recovery. {especially for my mom}


  1. i'm sorry its been such a crazy week. i'm glad your mom is doing okay now, and i hope your husband gets the job!! fingers crossed :]

  2. So glad to hear that your week ended on a high note and that your mom is doing better!

  3. So glad to hear that the week ended on a high note! What might your husband be doing for Teach for America? And I hope your mother continues to recover quickly. Have a great weekend, Angie!

  4. Oh goodness, that sounds like a completely crazy week. Hope your mum has a speedy recovery, and hope your dad's ok too. He sounds like he's been very stressed.

    Hope next week will be less crazy for you!


  5. sounds like quite the roller coaster week! hope you're doing well and this week is a little more calm :)

  6. Sending lots of love to you and your momma!
