Saturday, April 24, 2010

nesting instincts

remember this nest i showed you a couple weeks ago?  you know, the one right outside my patio door?

it's in full bloom and it's not empty anymore!

it's currently home to this little momma. and i cannot wait to see her little ones hatch!
i feel pretty lucky to be so close to something so beautiful. with birds singing outside my window and this lovely family to watch, i think today will be the perfect day to finish up my may day packages :)


  1. These are beautiful pictures. Glad you get to experience this. I love watching birds nest.

  2. What a beautiful sight! I just put my birdfeeder up today and can't wait for the birds to start coming!! Oh how I love seeing them out my window everyday.

  3. Lovely post. So glad I came. I shall be back.

  4. Isn't amazing when nature makes you feel so alive like that????

    Happy SITS day.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  5. If I had that view out my door, my eldest daughter would camp out next to it until the baby birds left the nest.

    Happy SITS Day!

  6. so sweet. nothing like my tormentor the crazy woodpecker. Happy SITS. you are super creative.
