Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a little cheese for your wednesday

What have you been up to this week? Me? I've been racking up some major wife points. that's right, I'm the "Best Wife Ever!" , in all capitol letters because this is my official title now (according to my hubby who has said this pretty much every day since last week.)

Why, you ask? Because I keep doing all these things that are kinda inconvenient, but not really a big deal- like letting him watch the K-State basketball game online last night (after the internet had not been working all day). Or picking him up a couple times, at odd hours, after he had dinner and drinks with friends (because we share a car and i had other plans that got me to bed early).

I don't really think it's been that big of a deal, but he sure does! So you know what that means- as I told him last night, I will be cashing all these points in on an not-yet-to-be-named future date.

Maybe some new boots? Maybe a free pass on doing the laundry? Maybe a mandatory Jane Austen movie marathon?

Or maybe not. Because really, when hubs is happy, i'm happy too.

photo from here


  1. Awesome! I like the J.A. marathon idea!! Have a PEAR-fect day!

  2. French Picnic is stopping by to say hi!

  3. That's so true. Sometimes you're happy just to see him happy.
    My boyfriend thinks I'm the greatest when he finds out there's a cheesy romantic comedy coming out and I'm not making him go see it (if I want to see it at all). Sometimes he doesn't mind going, but there are times he really appreciates not being forced.

  4. i love when mattchew says, "best wife ever". it makes me feel so good. and really, he's my best hubby ever every day, so the least i can do is return the favor.

  5. awww. this is sweet. you inspire me to want to be a better wife and get wife points too!

  6. So cute. Sometimes it is the small things that matter.

  7. I love it that you take such good care of our are the BEST daughter in law EVER! And we love YOU so much! (And miss you equally as much!)

  8. I've been held in high esteem lately because I "let" my husband get his dream iRacing computer. It's good while it lasts and we should be nice to our husbands!

  9. Perfect wife week takes the cake! Good for you!
