Monday, November 2, 2009

no, not me!

i did not finish all the pizza one day.

i did not go shopping at walmart yesterday just because hobby lobby was closed.

i did not almost start crying when my sewing machine broke
(turns out it just needed a little oil)

i did not wear hubby's slippers instead of my own all day

i did not forget to take a shower two days
in a row

i did not open the glass slidding door and then run into the screen
because i didn't know it was closed too.


  1. ....and Alicia did not sniff the page with the PICTURE of the cologne in the Avon book instead of the rib and sniff spot!

    ...and I did not eat the last piece of the butter cake that Jon made Saturday! Nor did i eat the Halloween candy that I bought to hand out to the trick or treaters who never came...don't tell anybody about that one, though.

  2. That's a lot of DID NOT'S. and I did not eat the Halloween candy that was left over from the trick or treaters!
